October 31, 2007

How does this work?
  • Zach Lynch lives in my neighborhood. Nice guy. Interesting blog.
  • I can't GET 10-12 feet from my screen! Does this mean I'll be scared later when I don't expect it?
  • Each image is a mixture of blurry and sharp. Close up, the sharp areas dominate, and form the image characteristics. Further away, the sharp areas merge, and the blurry bits become more obvious. It works at five feet. Or for us oldies, just taking your glasses off. It's a similar effect to how a large, highly pixilated image becomes plain as you move further away.
  • I was going to say drugs. For me, it's always the drugs.
  • It works for me if I take my glasses off and move in to about a foot from my screen. /blind
  • This is why I always ask new sexual partners to remain at least 10 feet away from me at all times.
  • Now, bragging much, Ralph?
  • You're the one with the name Flagpole.
  • Discussion of this and many other optical illusions over here. From the specific page Using a technique they described 1994, Philippe G. Schyns & Aude Oliva (1999) hid 2 faces in one hybrid image: one image was high-pass filtered (≥ 8 cpd), the other low-pass filtered (≤ 2 cpd) [reproduced with kind permission]. With normal vision, the higher spatial frequency image ‘wins’. When blurring the image (by whatever means), only the low-pass image remains. This method can be applied to many image types, but with a face exchange it seems especially amazing.
  • I can confirm the sharp/blurry, I think. I'm nearsighted in one eye, farsighted in the other. If I take my glasses off and alternately close one eye or the other, they switch. Very cool.
  • I'm just like Lara! Eyesightwise, anyway.
  • Really?! Yay! I'm not the only one! I think it makes us smarterer or something.
  • This is shopped. I can tell by some of the pixels and by seeing quite a few shops in my time.
  • Not shopped! I know angry guy!
  • The first thing I did was unfocus my eyes. It's like the magic eye book. I actually have perfect vision, but I can't hear anything. I noticed that by unfocusing my vision, it had the same effect as walking 12 feet away- Interesting how we view the world! A little frightening and intriguing how vision, perception, and interpretation can affect one's experience of the world.
  • Yeah, when I squint I can see a blurry in-between on both of them, neither calm nor angry.
  • Hmmm. That's me.
  • Still blurry? I thought you went on the wagon.
  • That chick obviously has a problem with intimacy. And that dude has abandonment issues.
  • They both look like David Bowie to me.