September 18, 2007

The role of genetic dialogs in The Sopranos. "There are twenty one explicit references to genetics and DNA in seasons one through six of HBO’s The Sopranos...All of them...remind us of...the dialectic of nature and nurture that animates Tony’s complex struggles, and the nucleus of Tony’s universe: the family."
  • oops. I'm only at the beginning of episode six and just hit a spoiler so I think I'll have to leave this article for later. fun analysis tho.
  • I thought I heard a squeak.
  • > Chris Moltisanti ... somehow confuses “cloning” with “cell phones”. I don't think the writer understands the principle of cloning cell phones.
  • Could the writer have far too much time on his hands?
  • Far too much, and also not enough!
  • The human gnome is made of threads of DNA. They form a spiral. The gnome was discovered by Dr Watson in a crick running by his house.
  • *coffee spittake*
  • Ever teach a little kid how to do a spit take? You win a friend for life.