August 11, 2007

Why you shouldn't make your glass fronted building shaped like a parabolic mirror Via


  • Um...I think that is exactly why you should make your glass front building shaped like a parabolic mirror. But don't plant grass in front. Maybe put a prism at the focal point. Or a snowman every day.
  • Or a witch.
  • And if she manages to sink, then she's innocent!
  • Or a pool of water than can boil.
  • We need a giant ant.
  • Or billboard-sized hockey cards.
  • It would be cool to build your glass-fronted building so that the reflected sunbeam wrote the word "BOLLOCKS" in the grass. That would be cool.
  • Or pass out bread and toasting forks to the passers-by.
  • SMORES!b
  • (The "b" is for berry tasty...)
  • Or a giant human neck and chin.
  • or a sticky-outty tongue ready for licking smorey chin LARA FOR TEH WIN!!!
  • here, for the benefit of those for whom GramMa's last comment was too small: LARA FOR TEH WIN!!!
  • Don't make us read the source code, GramMa! And thanks for covering my typo. Surely a simple preview button can't be beyond the technology of the 21st century.
  • So, what would be the function of this "pre-view but-ton" of which you speak, young Lara? Would it be the controller on my personal jet pack, or the fastener on my Flash Gordon anti-gravity boots? You kids today and your talking picture shows and your crack cocaine and your bobby socks and your glass buildings and your MySpace and your preview buttons and your I-don't-know-what...
  • Yeah, in MY day we didn't have a pre-view butt-ton to fix our mistakes. It was a keyboard and parchment or a monitor. If you couldn't afford parchment and a pointed bone to scrape it with, you had to use White-Out on the monitor. Eventually, the screen would be totally whited-out and we would have to buy a new monitor. We had to walk barefoot in the snow uphill both ways to the computer store to get one. We had to run the sheep down and skin it with our teeth to get the parchment. Now you damn kids geddoffa my lawn!!