June 12, 2007

17 Foods to Try Before You Die (Just because trying them afterwards is so tacky). Let the controversy begin.
  • I'm actually cool with all of that - I'd even try scallops if I was convinced it was really good, although admitting that one is eating a hermaphrodite and its eggs is a little squeamish - but I draw the goddamn line at marrow. Something's got to creep everyone out.
  • Kobe beef sashimi -- check Scallop roe Langós Pick-your-own produce -- check Le Riopelle de l'Isle Horse Street food -- in Paris no less, so check Truffles -- Italian white truffles, check Salsify -- check Bone marrow -- check Bitter greens -- check Anything cooked over a wood fire. -- check Real balsamic vinegar -- 45-year-old stuff, applied with a dropper directly onto my tongue. Real whipped cream -- check Sweetened condensed milk -- better when you boil it down into dulce de leche, check Afternoon tea Foie gras -- also in Paris, at one of the world's best restaurants, check
  • Does this mean I'm almost ready to die, once I've had my tea, some cheese, and a horseburger?
  • What, no "long pig"?
  • Real balsamic vinegar -- 45-year-old stuff, applied with a dropper directly onto my tongue. Hey, don't forget to try pot snorking!
  • This list makes me so sad. Seriously: real cream? Afternoon tea? Greens? Is it really that bad in Canada, that real cream is considered something so special that you can die afterwards? Come on, people. We can do better.
  • Let's make our own list! 1. A rock 2. Werewolf 3. Spaghetti with Butt Sauce
  • I believe it was real whipped cream, but Canada bashing duly noted. We apologize. Would you care for some oil?
  • Is Oil tasty? Depends, I guess. Still, I did have some whale meat the other month. From a buffet in Norway. It was quite tasty, actually.
  • I had hamhocks 'n' beans for lunch today. Highly recommended. Also, try putting both mayo and peanut butter on that BLT. You'll thank me.
  • Kobe beef: I expected something else. Not bad at all, though. Fresh produce: organic gardening at the family home provides, from time to time, with red & green tomatos, chile, prickly pears. Mmmh. Horse: old joke here goes that you're lucky if your stree-bought tacos are horse meat instead of beef; they could be barking. I recall having it many years ago, sweeter than beef taste. Street food: Overpriced hotdogs out a cart in NYC. Cold pizza in Genova. I so wanted some fish & chips in London, but saner heads prevailed. Bone marrow: quite the delicacy here, some prefer it straight out the vertebrae, it looks quite yucky that way. I really like it cooked in a spicy soup, sopa de médula, oh yes. As a child, really liked family-prepared homemade mayonaisse and whipped cream. If you can ever eat fresh conch, it's delicious. Had it once during a vacation excursion, straight out of the sea; just added some lime & orange juice, chopped onion and chile to taste... mmmh.
  • I've long wanted to try czernina, a Polish soup made with duck's blood, ever since reading an old Mike Royko column about it.
  • Ahh, the Things to eat before you die meme has arrived!
  • My boss would say pigs' feet. For their exquisite gelatinousness.
  • Only if they still have some bristly hairs still attached. Oh, the wiggly jello-like piggy feet gel...
  • The perfect t-shirt to wear while you work through the list?
  • Ah, the erudite "The Star" - how exhaulted my taste buds could be if only I were a regular reader ("real whipped cream", fer gawd sakes! fresh picked stuff - ORLY). The article is embarrassing. Makes it seem like we all live on beans and KD up here in the frozen tundra.
  • 4. Monkey. 5. Super-intelligent Octopus
  • 6. Own toe. 7. Other own toe. 8. Other-other own toe. Toes are good!
  • A Jim's Original Maxwell Street polish at 5:00 am
  • 4. Monkey. 5. Super-intelligent Octopus Combine the two! Eat Gorilla Grodd!
  • I don't think you people are being serious, and I think kitfisto's work is both bland and tame, with the exception of the lara's ass public mural. It really puts "poo" in "liverpool".
  • Everything I need to know I learned from "Queer Eye":
    • Take pitted date.
    • Shove almond into date, pipe in goat cheese.
    • Wrap half a piece of bacon around date, fasten with toothpick.
    • Repeat many times.
    • Bake dates seam side down in 500F oven until bacon is brown.
    • Eat until you hate yourself.
  • ("real whipped cream", fer gawd sakes! fresh picked stuff - ORLY) It sounds silly, yes, but it's quite sad how even in not overtly super-urbanized areas, local produce harvesting dwindles, and over-processed, industrialized products (often imported from far away) become nutritional staples, where just one generation before, organic products were the norm. I.e., in my country, we've jumped from having home-made fruit juices and sweet drinks accompanying meals to being #2 in global Coke consumption, with the corresponding health issues.
  • I can't get past the writer's smug, condescending, "quit shoveling raw shit into your plebian gobs you proles" tone. And her glossing over the "ethical concerns" about foie gras ("So eat it while it's legal!") makes me want to smack her. Whether one agrees or disagrees with the practices used, it seems irresponsible to say that people shouldn't even consider them and make an informed decision.
  • 9. Something the AskMe people wouldn't eat. 10. A song in a minor key.
  • Bone marrow: quite the delicacy here, some prefer it straight out the vertebrae Had marrow, won't do it again. Was ok, but marrow from vertebrae? Mmmmmm, marrow tainted with BSE! I'd love to try Langos. Had all the rest, even street food from vendors in Turkey. Sanitation? Bah! It's all about the taste/experience.
  • is there really anyone who hasn't eaten "street food"?? hotdogs from a cart, pad thai from a night market vendor, beignets, pizza....jesus!
  • is there really anyone who hasn't eaten "street food"?? hotdogs from a cart, pad thai from a night market vendor, beignets, pizza....jesus!
  • What, no poutine?!?
  • You've already had it tonight!
  • I saw a documentary on some European artisanal cured meats, like Jamon Iberico that really made my mouth water (mmm, pork!). Unfortunately, here in the US, many of these delicacies are difficult or impossible to get because of FDA regs. Gubmint Bastids. But I'd like to get some before I kick off.
  • 18. Braaaaiiinssss
  • he: I've bought good Iberico ham from La Tienda. (In fact, I haven't encountered any problems buying great stuff fom anywhere in Europe via US distributors.) Haven't tried the full Pata Negra leg, but the you could really taste the acorns the pigs feed on in the packages of thinly sliced ham. I think I need to order some more right now.
  • Medusa: when they talked about street food, I immediatly identified that with the carts in Mexico. They make the best hamburgers I've ever tasted, and tortas de carnitas are to die for. Oh, and the fresh fruit vendors give you a new appreciation for fruit that isn't picked green and ripened (?) in warehouses waiting for shipment. I will admit that I had a case or two of bad diahrea in some parts of the country, but, hey, you could but lomotil con niomicina without a prescription, and that cleared it right up. A food adventurer is me.
  • SF's Incanto is worth a visit if you have a fat wallet and are down with offal. (Look for me and Lady Wingo if you come to the 'hood.)
  • hotdogs from a cart, pad thai from a night market vendor, beignets, pizza....jesus! Well, Miz Fancy Drawers, some of us don't live in magical fairy places where they have fancy processed meat carts or glorified donuts or streets paved with hashish or hookers who have real orgasms when you have sex with them or clap that can be cured with happy thoughts or life that isn't despair wrapped in failure and duct-taped to the ass of a satanic goat. Come to Arkansas! The Natural State!
  • Psst! MCT. I suggest that Arkansas is more civilized than NYC since the things that could be served as street food are found in actual restaurants. Where you sit down. And get waited on. And, get napkins to get the bbq sauce off your fingers. Maybe even toilettes!
  • Ahh, the Things to eat before you die meme has arrived! Seen the current AmEx magazine campaign with the 'Things to do while alive' theme? I chuckle at the ludicrousness of most of them... and feel my heart sink at a few of those.
  • In my parents' town when I still lived at home, we had the old-fashioned kiwi pie cart (not as in kiwi-filled pies, shush), so after a hard night on the town you'd drag yourself down to a run-down caravan on the side of the road near the public toilets and buy a meat pie or a disgusting drippy greasy burger full of beetroot (yum) and a big pottle of chips and soak up all the alcohollemonade. That is the only, and most unbeatable, street food for me.
  • Natto. Uni. Menudo. Chiles, in everything. Poke weed. Hush puppies. Corn pones. Grits. Rosin baked potatoes. Jellyfish noodles. Venison. Elk. Lamb. Rabbit. Duck. Goose. Livers. Hearts. Tongues. Preserved egg (brine). Preserved plum (licorice, salt). Kim chee. I'm unaccountably hungry now.
  • 11. The scenery.
  • Your own discharge.
  • Really, really fresh blue crab, sauteed with butter. Goat's milk fudge. A gooey, warm brownie topped with tart creme fraiche. Marionberries. Surf-caught bluefish fried for breakfast with grits and fried apples. Wild strawberries. Real torrone nougat. Mexican hot chocolate made with orange and mint. Seafood ceviche. Maple sugar. Abalone steak (sadly no longer available unless you catch it yourself). Fresh mango lhassi. Liederkranz cheese (extinct). Cool-tasting honey from the Yucatan. Wow, I'm having a mental taste-budgasm. *sighs deeply, eyes lunch of turkey sandwich, sighs again*
  • Another vote for abalone. Man, that is great stuff if you can get it. Actually now reading your list, kinnakeet, i'll have a double helping of whatever you're having.
  • 12. Telephone cord 13. Mud Pie Is there are version of this list for vegetarians? (Although I am intrigued by the idea of eating a Werewolf.)
  • I mean is there a version. The thought of eating a mud pie got me all excited.
  • Whatever you do avoid that vegetarian bacon stuff.
  • as hermaphrodites, both sexes contain roe Not to be picky here, but let me be picky: As hermaphrodites, there are no separate sexes. Everyone is everything. Like earthworms. All of them contain roe. (All of them also contain semen, too. Still want to eat them?)
  • 14. The internet.
  • 19. Kittens!
  • I like that vegetarian bacon stuff. 2 things I must consume before I die: First, and many of you know about this one, Liquid Cereal Second, my newly found must-have, Pepsi Ice Cucumber
  • 19. A watermelon carved to look like an owl.
  • 20. Dim sum potsnorkers.
  • 21. me
  • 47. An owl carved to look like a watermelon
  • 56. An owl baked into a watermelon.
  • I've always been curious about that swallow nest soup. Also, until I learned about the plain savage way they harvest it, shark fin soup. One of the rare delicacies that is also about to disappear: huitlacoche. Basically a fungus that grows on maize corncobs, it's the basis for many yummy dishes... mmh, quesadillas. But advances on GM crops make maize resistant to this parasite so no ugly growths sprout on immaculate cobs.
  • I like that vegetarian bacon stuff. but...but...look at the ingredients Water, Wheat Protein (16%), Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil, Soya Protein Isolate (5%), Free Range Egg White (4%), Yeast Extract (Yeast Extract, Salt, Flavouring, Acidity Regulators (Citric Acid, Succinic Acid)), Textured Wheat Protein (3%) (Wheat Gluten, Wheat Starch), Stabiliser (Methyl Cellulose), Flavouring (Flavouring, Salt, Sugar, Maltodextrin, Acidity Regulators (Malic Acid, Succinic Acid) Yeast Extract), Rapeseed Oil, Dextrose, Fermented Rice, L-cysteine.
  • Rapeseed Oil?!
  • *passes StoryBored ramekin of steaming Crab Imperial* I think you'll need this now, to clear the palate after that L-cysteine.
  • I've always been curious about that swallow nest soup. 1. Take nest 2. Swallow (Kind of like the "Seafood Diet."
  • Yeah, what's wrong with that stuff? It's all good for you! And an FLT (Facon, Lettuce and Tomato) hits the spot once in a great while. Canola is a kind of rapeseed oil. Not as odd as it sounds.
  • 56. An owl baked into a watermelon. Owmelon? Waterowl? It needs a third ingredient to be a proper turducken challenger.
  • Wowltermelon
  • How about a small watermelon stuffed in an owl stuffed in a larger watermelon?
  • Basted with some sort of owl jus?
  • Un petit peu de la pastèque avec chouette au jus, peut-être?
  • *wonders whether that would go with red or white*
  • *decides that if it's au jus d'Onan, white*
  • Yeah, what's wrong with that stuff? It's all good for you! The ingredient that fascinates me is the "Stabiliser (Methyl Cellulose)". What does the bacon do if you forget the stabilizer? Do you end up with lean bacon?
  • /collapse
  • I'd like to make my contribution to the "must eat before death" list. pancake batter deep fried in bacon fat. really. it's so good!!! I realize you're thinking "but if I eat that I will die, right away... but it's that good!!
  • If you forget the stabilizer, you open up the package and you find a pile of bacon lint.
  • You're truly evil, Medusa. Now that would be a glorious death...
  • Good evening.
  • Really, really fresh blue crab, sauteed with butter. Goat's milk fudge. A gooey, warm brownie topped with tart creme fraiche. Marionberries. Surf-caught bluefish fried for breakfast with grits and fried apples. Wild strawberries. Real torrone nougat. Mexican hot chocolate made with orange and mint. Seafood ceviche. Maple sugar. Abalone steak (sadly no longer available unless you catch it yourself). Fresh mango lhassi. Liederkranz cheese (extinct). Cool-tasting honey from the Yucatan. Damn you, Kinnakeet! My keyboard is now full of drool.
  • BlueHorse, you're welcome at my house for chow anytime. *pours blueberry sauce over cheese blintz souffle*
  • *moans TORTURE! *wants to rub cheese blintz souffle all over her body
  • and I thought I was a freak!!!
  • Food: the Other Great Sin.