November 18, 2003

One-minute vacation - "Take a one-minute vacation from the life you are living. One-minute vacations are unedited recordings of somewhere, somewhen. Sixty seconds of something else. Sixty seconds to be someone else."
  • These remind me of those new-age meditation CDs that are just the sound of waves crashing. I suppose though that's exactly what it is, just with a different sentiment.
  • These are great. They'd be more interesting than white noise when you were trying to fall asleep, that's for sure. Though a few seem to be missing; Traffic Jam and Man Falling Down a Mountain being the most needed.
  • I saw this site about a year ago during a verrrrry stressful time at work; I seem to remember trying to do one of these only made me more stressed out when I was unable to relax and that I threw my headphones down on the floor. Traffic Jam and Man Falling Down a Mountain being the most needed. Ha. Also: Howling Wind or Woman Sobbing on Train
  • Huh. Gettin' kind of hungry. /looks at watch This is going to take a while.
  • ahhh...the most relaxing sound of all...'nickdanger posts to wrong thread, randomly'
  • It's going to take awhile, but it will be worth it. In a worthless sort of way. Sort of.
  • Somehow I'm skeptical he can keep it up. He'll cave under the pressure before long.