December 14, 2006

Thank God our perception of beauty is distorted. Remember the Dove ad (previously here)? Don't know if this is a counter-point or just a well made spoof, but it may just stop you from slow down your drinking and smoking. [flash video]
  • Guy looks happy. And why not?
  • Jesus christ, please link to the original file, rather than the blogspam, thanks.
  • sly_polyglot has posted 1 6 links and 1 24 comments on MonkeyFilter since April 27, 2004. I call shenanigans. Baninate.
  • Heh, that's pretty good. I missed the original Dove ad, that's pretty good too. The spoof works on a couple of levels. Dove is saying I guess that there's a fixation with body image, these guys bring up the other point, total abandonment of body image ain't so hot either.
  • I hate the original so much, though for different reasons than the spoof seems to have. I hate advertisers more than the next guy, but it's ridiculous to think that they are in control of our perception of beauty. It be a whole lot easier for them and cheaper for them to change our perception of beauty to be that of how the girl originally looked. They do all that as a reaction, not as the cause. That said, the spoof seems to be saying "who wants to look at ugly people". Well, I do. I prefer seeing "ugly" people on the screen and in ads. One reason is just so I can tell them apart, but I think ugliness gives someone a look with more character and unique personality. There's a lot more ways to be ugly than there is to not be, and those people are always more interesting to look at . I'm using the term "ugly" here as shorthand for something that I don't think has it's own word. It's falling outside the standard expectations by most of what beauty should be, but since I prefer the "ugly" over the "beautiful", then that what make "ugly" = "beautiful", and vice versa.
  • When I'm out with lads on a boozy weekend I wear a bucket load of anti-oxidant enriched moisturiser. If I'm staying in, I wear the moisturiser under a latex mask. I'm wearing it right now, and I've never looked more lovely. If you look healthy and happy then I think you probably look beautiful. Thoroughly amusing post.
  • I couldn't get the posted link to work for me, so here it is on YouTube.
  • Mr Knickerbocker's post makes my post sound shallow and superficial in comparison. *frowns at Mr. Knickerbocker*
  • And consider this: when you're in your 30s, you'll gain ten pounds without changing you eating habits or level of exercise. And 10 pounds a decade from there with no changes to your life style. (At least that's what I read years ago. And I've seen the effects in myself.) So, if that guy were in his 20s in the early shots and 50s in tha later ones, he'd have gained 30 pounds while acting like a 20 year old. I've wondered if that's an outdated survival characteristic. We oldies would probably have been the ones whose food supplies were cut off when times were tough. so living off extra fat may have kept us going. But now, a lot of mature folks are probably more prosperous than most of the 20 year olds and can afford the brie, bernaise, and tiramisu.
  • Whoops! My mistake. Posted in too much of hurry to think straight. That's strike 2! in as many years... ellipsis makes 3??