August 23, 2006

Pass the jar please What would you do to lose weight, or avoid gaining it? Hedi Slimane, a menswear designer at Christian Dior , has his own secret. At least two British jounalists experimented with it. They're not the only ones.
  • Ew. Eating quality food, moderate exercise, avoiding excess carbs, and double handfulls of amphetamines keeps me fit as the proverbial fiddle.
  • Guinness instead of Stella. The pounds are literally slowly falling off me.
  • I like beefy men, not little twiglettes I can floss with. Ew.
  • "The less I chew, the better," he tells one interviewer. Odd, I've been doing the liquid lunch since law school, and it's had the complete opposite effect...
  • Baby food doesn't contain enough baby. The labels are misleading.
  • the smell of baby food is enough to make me lose my appetite so many I'll try that...
  • I think it's just the smaller portions rather than that it's baby food. I mean, babies aren't known for their low calorie needs. That and the exercise from having to open fifty little jars to make a full meal.
  • Ridiculous.
  • I've just never seen a guy named Hedi... I first read it as Heidi, then as in the name Hedy Lamarr.
  • That's HEDLEY!
  • Dammit! That's what I get for dancing around like a Kansas City faggot.
  • RalphTheDog stole my joke.
  • I spend large amounts of time wishing I could simply remove food from the equation of my life.
  • Would you rather recharge from a wall outlet?
  • Here I stand, the goddess of desire Set men on fire I have this power. Morning, noon, and night, it's dwink and dancing Some quick womancing And then a shower. Stage door Johnnies constantly suwwound me They always hound me, with one wequest. Who can satisfy their lustful habits? I'm not a wabbit. I need some west.
  • Would you rather recharge from a wall outlet? Abso-friggin-lutely! If you're a smoker or a drinker, you can give up the thing that you're addicted to. But you can't give up food. Dieting is like telling an alcoholic "You have to have alcohol, but you can only have one drink a day." That's why it's so damned hard. Also: "He doesn't like to do too much digesting, so it's the obvious option." Yes, digesting is sooo last season. What the heck is it he "doesn't like" about digesting? The rumbly feeling in his tummy? The thought of it? Doesn't make sense to me.
  • First of all, the guy looks like he is going through chemotherapy or soemthing, so I wouldn't look to him as a role model. Secondly, umm chewing and digesting actually burn calories don't they? It would seem that since they are making your body do work, it would be more energy consuming than just swallowing liquids.
  • I spend large amounts of time wishing I could simply remove food from the equation of my life. Then we would be *almost* free. Then if we could free ourselves from the 'need for sex' shackles, we would be REALLY free. It would be boring as hell, though.
  • Decadent, overpaid, disconnected pop-culturites who are so far removed from what it means to live that they are candidates for a Darwin award. You eat prechewed, predigested food long enough, pretty soon you won't be able to digest the real thing.
  • Would you rather recharge from a wall outlet? Yes, yes, a thousand times yes. Soylent Ohms for me all the way.
  • What, what? No breast milk jokes? Well, I suppose he would look a bit more hale and hearty if he was on that kind of baby food diet. Thank you for these links. I loved that: 1. Slim is (in) his name. (Also, one horrible mispronunciation of the full name could possibly, and perhaps prophetically, sound like "He die slimming.") 2. The "faux-hawk" hair style is attributed to Slimane, who abandoned it "when he encountered one on a desk clerk at a hotel in Prague" for a style that looks like a toupee. 3. One of the dudes who tried the diet out said "I wouldn't do the diet again but I would eat a couple of the jars at lunchtime when I'm out and about shopping," which made me wonder just how embarrassed he could've truly been when he "was eating one of the jars on the train and a woman spotted him and was looking at him oddly." 4. The New Yorker description of Slimane's model-scouting made me look up Chris Ulyatt. VoilĂ ! I remember liking the pureed plum pudding baby food and trying to eat some of my little sister's, but everything else tasted like liquefied spaghettios. (Though I did see a photo of some designer-type baby food that looked tempting.) My dad tells a story about a very thin co-worker from years ago who started bringing jars of Gerber's baby food in for his lunch, after seeing me. He wanted to gain weight and had asked my dad what they were feeding that baby to get it so nice and chubby.
  • "He die slimming." I die laughing.