June 19, 2006

SavetheInternet.com is trying to "preserve Network Neutrality, the First Amendment for the Internet that ensures that the Internet remains open to innovation and progress."
  • This is been addressed before, but not on the front page, as far as I can tell.
  • They misspelled "Intarweb". Pfft. n00bz.
  • As I understand my quick read-through of the Net N00bality article on Fuckipedia, there may in fact be some merit to the argument that big video through-put is worth what the backboners (*snkk*) are asking. As bandwidth is more and more not a negligible commodity? Wouldn't that mean that as long as our lo-fi MoFi remains under a certain K, we're all good for the go? Umm . . so to speak?
  • petebest- What they're offering sounds good, but teleco's don't exactly have the best record when it comes to following through on their promises. Remember fiber-to-the-curb? Also, bandwidth is a negligible commodity at the backbone level. (And it should be at any level, seriously, wtf happened to fiber to the curb?) If we artificially restrict it, then we can charge fees to content providers. And the revenue from those fees goes to what exactly...working around the artificial restrictions? backboners...hehe
  • good points smallish bear - and yes I do remember "fiber to the curb" . . yes I doooo . . . Allright backbone provider telcos! You just made the list! *adds "backboners" to revenge list*
  • *sings under his breath* o there's n00bizness like shoe bizness ...
  • Tim Berners-Lee: This is serious.
  • Senator Ted Stevens: "It's a series of tubes."