March 22, 2006

How To Be A Spiritual Atheist. Can it be done? Sort of related - Ignosticism, something new to me, at least.
  • Well, since religion is the polar opposite of spirituality, the answer is yes, it can be done, and much more simply than in most other circumstances.
  • I self-identify as a Buddhist-Atheist, but I've strayed from the 8-fold path about 20 times just this morning, so I wouldn't say I'm a very good one.
  • And since most atheists don't believe in souls or spirits, this only applies if you can define "spirituality" in some way that actually means something.
  • I'm not quite an atheist but I don't believe in God because there's no proof that the judeo-christian god as described in the bible exists, and in fact enough contradictory evidence for me to believe he cannot exist. Plus, if it's a simple matter of beliving - frankly I'm happier without him. But I'm willing to consider the possibility of any number of supernatural phenomena, including life after death. And I find there is such a thing as spiritual well-being, as it's described by religious people. I guess that makes me a spiritual agnostic or something, but I'll take spiritual atheist, since that's the topic under discussion.
  • Interesting. I think I may be an ignostic. Atheist: "There is no God." Agnostic: "I don't know if there's a God." Ignostic: "What the fuck are you talking about?" I like the sound of that.
  • Buddhists come in as many flavours as Christians -- so I find it hard to trust generalizations on this subject -- but there are Buddhists who call themselves atheists, certainly. I'm not an ignostic. I am a Buddhist. But I wouldn't say I'm an atheist. What's a god? If I was asked, I might say whenever anyone invests an image/conception of a deity or a buttercup or a dog turd -- could be anything -- with all positive qualities and powers, then that can truly become a god, or goddess. For that particular person. Ach, but what do I know? Clearly I'm an idiot, a clown. For who else would tell you such a thing?
  • "Clearly I'm an idiot, a clown." The holy Fool is the wisest of us all.
  • Y'all should watch Dawkins's "Root of All Evil" series (EweLube): Part One 1.1 1.2 1.3 Part Two 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 It'll learn you good.
  • *hastens to clarify* /mundane fool ;]
  • *creeps in to listen* *knocks over broom, platter of food, pitcher of water, priceless collectibles* heh heh. Heh.