March 20, 2006

Hitler's Home Movies (google video, best to mute the insipid soundtrack.)
  • Pfft. That part where Albert Speer gets hit in the crotch was obviously staged. I hope they didn't get the 10 000 marks. (That music is teh awesome, and should be appended to every home movie. It unleashes the potential for sinisterness that lurks in all home movies: Baby's first steps, making the dog dance, and Grandma falling through the broken lawn chair with that music playing? Sinister as all get out.)
  • Oh, and weddings, don't forget weddings, layne! I love the color of home movies from the 1930s. I'm sure there's a technical name for that kind of film that produces that blue-ish, "dark" colorization but I'm too dang lazy to Google it right now.
  • Oh, you love the color of Hitler's home movie, do you? You disgust me, you nazi-loving lazy-googler.
  • Seems like quite a regular chap, doen't he? I wonder what all the fuss was about.
  • I know. To these little kids he was just "friendly una' Adolf" who just happened to be one of the most evil individuals the world has ever seen.
  • You know, that should be "unca' Adolf". Una Adolfa is for El Filtro Por Los Monos.
  • It's true--I love Hitler, I love his home movies, I love his soundtrack, I love his mountaintop Eagle's Nest, I love that he lets cute little Aryan girls sit on his lap. . . I, I, I can't get enough of it! My name is Kittenhead and I'm a Monkeynazi.
  • I suddenly feel very sick. I have no idea how that man could live with himself, knowing what he had done to Europe.
  • And let's not forget what we all came here for: BACKDOOR BRAUN!!!
  • I wouldn't have expected less from you, Capt. Ha!
  • Skrik, it's more disturbing to think he thought he was making it better.
  • I recall this conversation with my late father, how he just couldn't conceive of tyrants, corrupt politicians and people such as Hitler to be able to sleep soundly. 'Don't they have a conscience? Can't they see all the pain, suffering they're causing?' 'Well' I said, 'guess if your goal, your life long ambition is to model a country to your liking, or to be a despotic ruler and have people writhing under your boot, or robbing an entire population's riches, and you're on your way to achieve it, one would sleep fitfully, no?' Those scenes with the children... reminded me of the torturer in Terry Gilliam's Brazil, stripping off his bloody 'work clothes' to play with his little daughter on his office.
  • Nice house. I like the view.
  • I remember a few years ago a film came out (not sure which one) which caused an uproar because it humanized Hitler, by which I mean that it suggested he wasn't just some crazed larger than life monster but, in fact, a real live human being with hopes and fears and sadness and such and not actually so far away from you or I. Similarly, my biggest problem with Schindler's List was that I thought Spielberg took the easy way out by portraying the Nazis as inhuman monsters instead of focusing on the ambiguities of character that reveal them to be not so far away from ourselves. I think it's dangerous to forget that Hitler and the Nazis were just people, and motivated by much the same things that motivate anyone. When I watch this film, it's quite a chilling reminder of just that.
  • Which is why I prefer it without the "He's-Evil(bum bum)-He's-Evil(bum bum)" soundtrack.
  • He's Evil (Bum):
  • Google is not showing that vid now! But I want to see Hitler's home movies! WAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!
  • Just imagine you're watching the ones some member of your family used to bore to death entertain you with, the ones with the odd looking uncle that kept kissing and caressing the little kids.
  • Hitler really wasn't a very nice chap.
  • Killed his own dog, dontcha know. Not to mention genocide and causing a war which killed over 50 million worldwide
  • Oh I don't want to talk about him anymore, he makes me depressed. I'll make him dance.
  • hmm, computer says no! "We're sorry, but this video may not be available." probably made unaviable for viewers with a german IP adress. perhaps this video on youtube is the same? can someone confirm, please?
  • How many home movies could this fucking tyrannical bastard have?
  • And yet Google remains silent on the topic of Godwin home movies . . . coincidence??
  • "Adolf, can I put the camera down now?" "Nein!" "C'mon, it's like 40 pounds, and my shoulder's going numb-" "NEIN!" "You know, you're getting to be a real dicta-" "SHASSUP! Look! Blondi's duncing! Dunce, Blondi! Dunce fer papi! 'Vun vay, or unutter, Uh'm gonna find yah, Uh'm gunna getcha getcha getcha getcha-'" "Adolf, I really don't think Blondi's enjoying that..." I could do this all day.
  • But probably shouldn't . . . heh.
  • Check out this film- a tremendous amount (1.5 hrs) of archival footage gathered of Germany between the wars (w/ Spanish subtitles). Eerie watching pretty Germans dance, sing, smoke, play, party, etc. as the storm gathers around them. Almost felt sorry for the poor bastards....
  • That looks like it kolophon. Complete with the soundtrack. /sigh.