March 17, 2006

Experiments with paper cups.
  • Whimsical.
  • You are never forever beat bad beautiful rejuvenated disappointed loved over fever You are Rian
  • Fenciful!
  • I enjoyed that.
  • Like a dot-matrix printer, we use dots With coffee cups to expound The words change into bons mots Ev'ry time we turn 'round.
  • I have always hated that kind of paper cup crap. Now I've changed my mind (some).
  • Dang, that's a social science grant in the right hands. *gets to researching grants*
  • There's a fence like that just down the road from where I live.....hmmmmm.... i could buy some cups....whatdy'all think?
  • How many cups would it take to spell out "hello monkeys"
  • I give up -- how many?
  • Maybe a simple "Ook Ook?"
  • the pics with snow are particularly beeyoootiful, very nice....
  • Rejuvenating...
  • oo...oo oo..oo oooo oo..oo oo...oo That's the "K" in "ook" *wipes brow*
  • Do it, StoryBored!! Do it for us!
  • That's the kind of encouragement that's going to get someone in trouble :-). Hmmm, I should go out and see how many slots there are in the fence for holding them cups.... What's the html to post a image file? I can take a photo of the fence in its native condition and post it or maybe I'll just flickr it.
  • What a neat idea.