January 09, 2006

Cook an egg using your mobile phone. Via Metachat.
  • Hello? Well, yes, my refrigerator is running, I . . . what? . . . who is this??
  • So I'm a lot happier about the fact that I don't use a cell phone.
  • No way. Also, what is the radio for?
  • I have to call bullshit on this. Cell phones don't work that way - The signals don't go from one phone to the other, they go from the phone to the closest cell antenna, through the land-based switching system, back to the antenna, then to the other phone. Placing an egg between the two phones does not create radio waves to go through the egg.
  • Verizon will have found a way to charge me for this by Thursday.
  • rocket88 talks sense
  • Maybe the radio is there to produce noise to keep the lines open or something?
  • Although, if the phone is held right next to the bowl, maybe the bowl works like your skull does, and helps to focus the signal (or whatever the technical term is) like a dish or antenna. And then the yolk would be like your brain. You'd only need one mobile then, though, and just ring it from a landline. And then you could cook your eggs for even cheaper
  • Isn't the radio there so you have something to listen to while you wait for your egg to cook?
  • From this site: "Calculations have shown that the maximum temperature rise produced in the head due to absorption of energy in the radio waves from a mobile phone is around 0.1ºC." I prefer my eggs a little harder boiled than that.
  • Sounds like rocket88 is spot on. Apparently the Brainiac show tried this experiment with 100 cell phones to prove that it doesn't work.
  • Pussy! A real man eats almost raw eggs, gently heated by a mobile phone conversation from his mother for a couple of minutes before serving
  • Dr. Freud? Line 2.
  • Freud does not eat eggs at all, so therefore has no need to use the phone
  • Calculations have shown that the maximum temperature rise produced in the head due to absorption of energy in the radio waves from a mobile phone is around 0.1ºC. Although the IEGMP did not identify any adverse effects on health at this level of exposure, there is no comparable situation where large numbers of people are exposed. It is for this reason that research related to exposure to RF from mobile phones is currently being carried out.
  • (Mobile phones? Are those still around..?)
  • The radio is actually to drown out the sound of the others who live with you laughing their asses off while you sit there waiting for a phone call to cook your egg.
  • Lara's voicemail: "Hello? 'Sludge here. Look, can you pleeeese call me back? I'm getting really hungry..."
  • On several occasions I've had phone calls on my mobile cook my goose, but that was more metaphoric of course. I've gotten steamed too, and steamy. Damn. This stuff works!
  • I prefer to cook my eggs a different way.
  • I cooked my eggs with ROCK MUSIC before finding Jesus!!1!
  • This is clearly a double post.
  • Watch it or I'll withhold your owl semen license.
  • Are you threatening to ban me? It would not be the first place that I have been banned from for my interest in things purely scientific in nature.
  • I hope to hell people believe that this is possible. I can't wait to start laughing at the first moron that tries to convince me that it's possible.
  • Call me on my cellphone and we'll discuss it at length, jacbo.