March 14, 2005

Balance. A quirky and compelling movie. Flash required.
  • This is excellent, though I think there are copies online which are clearer - probably different formats. This one is larger, though still flash. Over at mefi, someone suggested this is an illustration of zero sum games. It's also a story of tragedy.
  • Why doesn't the last guy just go fishing again?
  • This was excellent. And rather related to a film I'm working on right now, oddly enough, entitled Zero Sum. Thanks for the link.
  • Good post...thanks... perhaps one of the better shorts I've seen recently!
  • Why doesn't the last guy just go fishing again? Because if he caught anything, there isn't anyone else left to balance him as he reels the thing in. So he'd fall right off as well.
  • This film won an Oscar for best film in 1989. I know this because it was made at a school in Germany and one of my best friends was the animation teacher of one of the makers, the twin brothers Wolfgang and Christophe Lauenstein.
  • This is excellent. It's got that whole "desire is suffering" thing. It's like that old saying about simplicity containing its own power which is spoiled when an element of change occurs. Cool find, rogerd.
  • I mean, rodgerd. :)
  • Because if he caught anything, there isn't anyone else left to balance him as he reels the thing in. So he'd fall right off as well. But couldn't he just fish until he caught something, which would pull his side down, and just back into the centre while the box started sliding toward him, then let go of the rod when he was next to the box? It might be possible to get next to the box and be in the centre that way :) Nice post, btw rogerd.
  • I think, in the end, the only thing he was left with was the desire for the object, which, ironically, he could no longer have. It would have been logical to fish for another object to help balance the platform but once he allowed desire for that particular object to control him, the logic of creating a balance by fishing for something else wouldn't occur to him. He was an addict for that thing - killing anyone who stood between himself and it.
  • He takes the pole. He hooks the box. He walks toward the box while he reels it toward him. They meet in the middle. Fin.
  • wow. )