March 14, 2005

MC Frontalot Nerdcore. found via BoingBoing

I downloaded my favorite trax and I'm diggin' 'em. I don't have a lot of experience with hip hop but these are great. Thank you, Clyde Stubblefield.

  • I met MC Frontalot at a record sale. Nice guy.
  • I first came across the Front through KOMPRESSOR, and second through Song Fight. There's plenty of nerdcore on the latter, and the former could possibly be called nerdcore industrial. For more nerdcore hip hop, try MC Hawking. (Note that Front (under many guises), Kompressor, and MC Hawking have all appeared on SongFight.
  • I discovered MC Frontalot through the MoFi CD Swap. Thanks, spackle!
  • *thanks Clyde Stubblefield for a bunch of stuff, throws in a Jimmy Nolen*
  • *also misses spackle*
  • special delivery and I wish that I could afford the ear of Bush the second I'd ask is it your favorite philosopher who recommended invading and exterminating all who defy us, crying out justice but seeking out triumphs? wasn't your christ unbeloved of empires? one nailed his ass to a post; he expired! a terrorist, as roman evidence showed put down like a retard on the death row (in texas)
  • now it's time for a little braggadocio while I swing my arms like ralph machio Few are as nerdcore as Mc FrontALot, but if you want more nerdcore hip-hop goodness, check out MC Chris, he's also very good. I recommend downloading all of MC ForntALot's songs. I did that a few months ago and the CD I made from them has been in constant rotation ever since. As cheesy as it is, the nature of the music is arguably more indicative of true hip-hop than the hip-pop that currently litters the airwaves and pop culture
  • [Thanks MC petes-a-lot and everyone]