March 05, 2005

The Wonder Clock OR four and twenty marvellous Tales, being one for each hour of the day
  • What a Wonderful Clock!
  • Read these as a kid, enthraslled wuth Pyles' illustrations as much as the tales. Thanks, dng!
  • methinks this post by dng will be better recieved by the ladies *whistles a tune on the flute, dances a bit, scurries away*
  • enthraslled wuth is so absurd I am not going to correct it, just admire it for the amazing concoction it is Had several of Pyle's books, Tales of Robin Hood, and Howard Pyle's Book of Pirates I remember with particular fondness, especially the grand paintings of pirates being dastardly. Think there was also one about a young knight, but it couldn't compare with Doyle's Sir Nigel of Loring or The White Company in my estimation. Heh. Yes, dastardly, and so much for you, Jack Sparrow.
  • Dingles' posting marathon is just damn tasty.
  • Aye, but it has a nasty two day gap in it, now.
  • Ego vos absolvo. Pax vobiscum.
  • Start again, dng. You must, for the good of the colony. (And nice post.)
  • I just spent all weekend reading these. Thanks, dng! Does anyone know what the illustrator meant by the little astrological symbols that appear with each of the hour-poems? Does each hour of the day belong to a different zodiacal sign, or something?
  • Nice. When I first saw the title I thought you were posting this, for some reason.