January 19, 2005

They're EVERYWHERE! Well, this bit of Flash animation is titled "Fags in Space." As a terrestrial fag, I can't decide whether to be amused or annoyed by this. I'm leaning towards being amused, but I want my copy of Vogue back. NSFW.
  • Freddy Mercury has cloned himself and has taken over outerspace.
  • That was... odd. I particularly liked the insinuation that homosexuality was invented in Sweden, and spread outwards from there, like a virus, or a fashion for self-assembly furniture. The rest - just bizarre. But probably in a good way.
  • It went beyond my 30 second attention span.
  • If it weren't beyond my browser's current 30 second attentions span, Argh, I probably have an issue with you. But, maybe you are my browser?
  • Hmmm.. paid to browse...I like it.
  • I don't know which is more disturbing: the crap techno or the cheesy cliffhanger. Isn't Suomi Finland?
  • Isn't Suomi Finland? Why, yes. Yes it is. I claim little-to-no knowledge of Scandanavian languages, certainly; it appears my knowledge of Scandanavian geography is also disturbingly poor, which is a far greater sin. Upon re-watching the piece, that's clearly Sweden just next to it there. I feel a fool. My Ikea joke is also rendered useless. Fuck.
  • The only thing offensive to me is the fact that it is not funny.
  • Is there some gay B&D illustrator called "Tom of Finland" or "John of Finland" or "Bruce of Finland...?
  • well at least he's hung.
  • Also, Vegas in Space
  • If you're offended by that how about trying Gay Niggers from Outer Space :)