October 18, 2004

Blue 78's, I was disapointed to learn, were in none of the new links on the front page. A short google search later I came across this resource where I found much more than my blues page.
  • This tried to eat my brain. I'm not sure if I won the fight.
  • Woah, it's old recordings day on MoFi.
  • I mean, 5211 three 5212 out of 5214 four.
  • And no Crumb/Zwigoff/Pekar reference yet. Oops.
  • Yikes, FU, now you've gone and done it. That site will easily take up the rest of my day. Or week. Or life. Here, take my banana. I won't need it anymore.
  • Yes, be careful Little Durian -- my nephew linked me to the kittyspit site last year and I don't think I've been through a tenth of it yet. Begin and end your day with a Little Marcy song and see how long it takes you to go insane.