October 18, 2004

Spin the shellac! Honking Duck organizes hundreds of online recordings of 78s in several ways.

You may wish to bend an ear to Monkey in a Dog Cart, by the Leake County Levelers. just doing my part for the emergent theme.

  • Great resource mwhybark. Must get lyrics for 'My first bicycle ride' damned if I can follow that accent. -1 for not being hosted by a geek;-)
  • This is great. Wish they were mp3s instead of realmedia, but still.
  • Wow, thanks for this link. I used to have one a them old outside-horn Victrolas and a couple hunnert 78's that I picked up anywhere and everywhere, and I kind of miss this stuff sometimes. I picked the Mississippi Possum Hunters' 'Mississippi Breakdown' at random from the Honking Duck archives and I was surprised how much it brought to mind -- oddly enough -- some Polish 78's I once had, from the twenties. I'll have a lot of fun with this -- thanks!
  • Love it! Thanks.