July 17, 2008

The Beige Site. Because old people are LOLsome!

Including: What is an old person? How much do they cost? Their hobbies Are you an old person? UK-centric, before the septics start moaning, but old people are universal, right kids?

  • *wipes neervous perspiration from brow in relief at only scoring 4*
  • Speeling gone to bugggerie, tho.
  • That's first sign, granddad. Now you just sit down and I'll get your toffees.
  • I got a 4 too, Pleg, but it may be due to US-UK differences. Like, I just assume that the places I shop are probably equivalent to M&S, but I might be wrong. And although seniors usually get reduced bus fares rather than free ones over here, my work buys us free bus passes.
  • I wear a hat.
  • So, this site is fucking uk-centric! Is "pass time" how you freaks say "pastime"?
  • "In some cases you have to shout really load" I guess "load" is the UK word for loud, or this idiot can't proofread worth crup. yes, you fool, that was intentional, now GET OFF MY LAWN
  • On behalf of old people everywhere...
  • I scored a 3, and I'm 32. (Another free bus passer) (bus passee?) From the site: Do you remember what old people were like when you were a kid? Yeah, they were pretty awesome. My grandparents would give me hard candy and they and had one of their many refrigerators filled with nothing but Shasta. My great-grandma used to give us sugar cubes, right before our parents picked us up. Old people are fucking awesome.
  • The only thing worse than a UK-ian is a freakin' OLD UK-ian...
  • I scored a 7... *sobs* Then I answered for my 80+ year old father and only got a 14... I think he would've scored at least 12 when I was growing up and he was in his 40's. If you're going to make fun of old people, you should do better than this (and lose the Web 1.0 design - it makes the site's creators look old)