April 01, 2008

Cedric Saves The Day? Cedric the Tasmanian Devil may hold the key to beating a cancerous disease threatening his species with extinction. Let's hope the boffins are right. No comment from this guy yet.
  • Yay Cedric! It would be heartbreaking indeed to lose yet another unique Australian animal.
  • You rock, Cedric!! Given that genetic modification is the coming thing, it would also be in OUR best interests to take care of all the little devils (as well as the rest of the environment). Cedric could hold the key to curing some of OUR cancers. We just don't know enough about what's out there to be screwing things up. Fierce sounding little buggers, indeed! Tasmanian devils produce a strong odour when under stress, but when calm and relaxed they are not smelly. Yes, kit, I've noticed that exact same thing about you...
  • *sprays*
  • Uh-oh. Somebody needs a quick neutering...