October 24, 2007

Hoverboy: Hero of a Thousand Buckets! [Warning: Flash, Old-People Nudity, Rick Green] A mini-documentary on Hoverboy, soon to be seen again in skies and on comic-books racks near you!

(Full-disclosure: Hoverboy is the creation of a buddy of mine, and he's using this video to try and land a tv deal. So do us both a favour and watch and vote and spread this around teh intarwebs like a California wildfire. Thanky thanky!)

  • Also be sure to check out the Hoverboy #1 Preview while you're at it! Which, apparently, you aren't. Post and click, damn you! POST AND CLICK!
  • Full-disclosure: Hoverboy is the creation of a buddy of mine, and he's using this video to try and land a tv deal. Thanks for the post Cap'n, and I'll check it out when I'm not in the office, but even full disclosure doesn't make this kind of post kosher for the front page. Helping a friend promote his work isn't the same thing as self-linking to promote your own, but it's pretty durn close.
  • You should know however that I love you and want to do dirty things with your socks.
  • Ohh -- not an FPP debate?!? *pouts* I still think it's funny. Even if I'm the only one. *pouts extra-frowny*
  • Pout not, Cap'n. Lot of work surfers here, and the "old people nudity" thing is going to keep them away as long as they're in the office like me, so it'll likely be a slow trickle for a while. Not wanting to derail, just a gentle suggestion.
  • Sadly, I will have to save the nude old geezers for when I get home.
  • Flash, Old-People Nudity Surely two terms for the same thing?
  • Under the photo on the wikipedia link, it says "Rick Green (taken 2003)." I thought it was strange how matter of factly they mention this abduction. When was he returned?
  • In my world, we have a word for Old-People Nudity. Nudity.
  • I can get all the old-people nudity I need at home. Is this character a little reminiscent of Ned Kelly? I feel the promotion of friends stuff is OK so long as the friends stuff is interesting. (Few now remember that in the early days of Mofi self-posts were deemed OK so long as your self-posted stuff was actually FPP worthy. If my memory is reliable.)
  • I am self posting that I am, at the moment, both old and nude.
  • Ha HA! I telecommute! The giddy freedom of clicking NSFW links during the work day is one of the shining benefits of the telecommuting life. Suck it, office workers everywhere! With your "bosses" and your "firewalls" and your "bathrooms that get mopped and restocked every night" and "401k plans." (Oops... I just made myself sad.) Anyway, I clicked, I watched, I... didn't get it. One of the following is obviously correct: 1. Everything in the documentary is true, and I've just never heard of this Hoverboy thing. 2. Nothing in the documentary is true, and it's all done tongue-in-cheek. I'm not sure at what point I lost the ability to distinguish between those two options. Couple years ago? Anyway, hey, good luck to your buddy, hope to see him on [as] soon!
  • I'm not sure at what point I lost the ability to distinguish between those two options. Welcome to postmodernism. Someone wake me when it's over.
  • "I feel the promotion of friends stuff is OK so long as the friends stuff is interesting." agreed.
  • I don't think it should be a hard-fast rule, but I think it's a potential loophole that could be exploited if we allow friend posts to pass through without comment. Plus I'm not sure you'll be as objective about a buddy's work as you would about a stranger's, which is one of the reasons self-posts aren't allowed. Remember how moooshy just wanted to share her scathingly witty columns with us? Again, I don't really have a problem with the Cap'n's post here per se, because he's a member in good standing and nobody would think he's spamming us. But explicitly posting something to promote a buddy's work does IMO fall into a grey are re: posting ethics.
  • I think the dividing line w/r/t posting ethics is the implied result. If someone posts something just to say "My friend made this and it's really funny, you'll enjoy it," that's one thing. If the post is "My friend made this and it's really funny, please vote for it," that's entirely another. Not that I think this particular post is at all in violation of FPP rules. Just pointing out that I think this is probably the invisible line that's making people uncomfortable.
  • Life is a gray area. MonkeyFilter should be a vacation from life. When is the black-and-white design going to go live?
  • I though Monkeyfilter was for people who don't have any friends.
  • ...or preview buttons.
  • "I though Monkeyfilter was for people who don't have any friends." this is out of order. you owe the readership an apology.
  • I apologize for derailing so effectively and early, Cap'n. I owe you many beer when we finally meet.
  • S'OK. Serves me right for me being up-front with you people.
  • No good deed goes unpunished, my friend. *hands the Cap'n some Crunch*
  • Don't be sad, Cappy. I liked your bucket post. MCT says hurtful things now, but when he sobers up he'll be remorseful and you'll have great make-up sex.
  • It's "bouquet."
  • If he sobers up.
  • He has a sober mode?
  • *cries*
  • Oh, he's got to the maudlin stage. :D
  • Look out, pissing in the dishwasher stage is next.
  • I have no friends.
  • Oh right. I see. Heh. Clever.