March 26, 2007

U. G. Krishnamurti is No More!
  • (Not to be confused with the more famous J. Krishnamurti.)
  • *gives no thought to this thread*
  • Good stuff, thankee H-dogg. I've been told nirvana is not ecstatic anything or heaven, but I forget it all the time. Time - there's the culprit!
  • Q: I am making an effort to understand ... U.G.: You are using effort to be in an effortless state. How the hell can you use effort to be in an effortless state? You think that you can live an effortless life through volition, struggle, and effort. Unfortunately, that is all you can do. Effort is all you know. The "you", and everything it has achieved, has been a result of effort. Effortlessness through effort is like peace through war. How can you have peace through war? How indeed?
  • He sounds, well, enigmatic to say the least Who was this UG? What kind of person was he? He was the most enigmatic person you could ever meet – at once kind and cruel, most loving yet stern, constantly talking about money, seeming to ‘extract’ it from friends, yet most generous in giving; seemingly abusive and punishing, yet showering affection on the same person the next moment; utterly carefree, yet worrying about what might happen to the person in front of him; directing people to act in specific ways, yet instantly accepting of any outcome; demonstrating the most incisive logic, yet making utterly contradictory statements. For a man who complained that we are constantly preoccupied with something other than what is happening at the moment, he endlessly talked about himself and his past. One could never fathom UG’s true intentions behind his statements or actions. I can think of some basic arguments for having a reason for a path or at least some guidance, contrary to his and similar opinion. Some of it seems pointlessly contrarian.
  • There is nobody here talking, giving advice, feeling pain, or experiencing anything at all. Like a ball thrown against the wall, it bounces back, that is all. My talking is the direct result of your question, I have nothing here of my own, no obvious or hidden agenda, no product to sell, no axe to grind, nothing to prove. My curiosity is well and truly piqued. What an interesting network of religious concepts! It's as if he refuses to draw any conclusions from the multitude of premises he spews. I have to read more; how does he account for the fact of communication if none of us exist?
  • I heard U.G. speak years ago on a small after hours interview show on a local PBS station. For someone who presumably had no teaching and nothing to say, he certainly was making some emphatic points. It's curious that, given how much of his thought that was similar to J.K. Krishnamurti's work,he seemed to have nothing but contempt for the man. I do admit that J.K. 's pronouncements can be rather sphinx-like at times but I have found both men's ideas to be stimulating and useful (probably to their horror) and I'm saddened to learn that he no longer walks amongst us at least , in the flesh. .